MIL-L-3891 Miscellaneous Printed Matter

Σελίδα 1 of 1
NSN 7690-00-357-7813 Identification Marker

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

25 unit qty,pkg; inscription background color: white to greenish-yellow, mil spec mil-l-3891


Black inscription

NSN 7690-00-344-8374 Identification Marker

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

25 unit qty,pkg; inscription background color: white to greenish-yellow, mil spec mil-l-3891; singular form


Black inscription

NSN 7690-00-344-8283 Identification Marker

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

25 unit qty,pkg; inscription color and incription background color: white to greenish-yellow, mil spec mil-l-3891 and black

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