MIL-STD-130 {lang[spec-std]}

Σελίδα 1 of 20
NSN 3950-01-646-6874 Roller Fairlead

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 19207asset 12491750

NSN 8145-01-625-9542 M Shipping And Storage Container

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:


NSN 5340-01-623-9049 Roller Holder

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Identify with part number in 3mm high upper case gothic characters located approximately as shown on drawing;must meet permanency and legibility requirement as specified in mil-std-130;part no.:81337assy17-3-2760-2

NSN 5340-01-623-0217 Angle Bracket

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Color is seafoam green;identify iaw mil-std-130 by rubber stamp or stencil

NSN 5340-01-622-9854 Angle Bracket

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Color is seafoam green;mark iaw mil-std-130 by rubber stamp or stencil

NSN 5340-01-619-4203 Double Angle Bracket

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 mil std 1st material response and fed-std-595 fed std 2nd material response

NSN 3120-01-618-6394 Sleeve Bushing

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 mil std 1st material response overall

NSN 5330-01-618-3687 Plain Seal

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 mil std 1st material response and mil-std-100g mil std 2nd material response overall

NSN 5310-01-617-9868 Flat Washer

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 mil std 1st material response overall

NSN 5330-01-617-6052 Gasket

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 mil std 1st material response overall

NSN 5330-01-617-6030 Gasket

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 mil std 1st material response overall

NSN 5330-01-617-5996 Gasket

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 mil std 1st material response overall

NSN 5330-01-617-5952 Gasket

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 mil std 1st material response overall

NSN 5330-01-617-5629 Gasket

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 mil std 1st material response overall

NSN 5330-01-617-5628 Gasket

Προδιαγραφές υλικού:

Mil-std-130 mil std 1st material response overall


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