A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Cres, mil-s-6721 composition 321, 0.027 in. Min, 0.035 in. Maximum thkmaterial, 3.180 in. Min, 3.240 in. Maximum lg plate, 3.155 in. Min, 3.215 in.Max w plate, 4 holes 0.227 in. Min, 0.236 in. Maximum dia, 2.312 in. Nom c to cdistance between holes along lg, 2.625 in. Nom c to c distance between holesalong w, 0.220 in. Min, 0.280 in. Maximum distance from hole center to edgealong lg, 0.420 in. Min, 0.480 in. Maximum distance from hole center to edgealong w, 3.180 in. Min, 3.240 in. Maximum lg angle, 1.290 in. Min, 1.350 in. Maxw angle, 2 holes 0.227 in. Min, 0.236 in. Maximum dia, 2.705 in. Nom c to cdistance between holes along lg