Αριθμός ανταλλακτικού 376-9823PARTSKITC

Clinical Chem Parts Kit Analyzer

Τιμολόγηση και διαθεσιμότητα

Υποβάλετε αυτήν τη φόρμα για τις τρέχουσες τιμές και τη διαθεσιμότητα αυτού του NSN.
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All major credit cards accepted as well as gov. p-cards

Η ιστορική τιμολόγηση για αυτό το προϊόν είναι μεταξύ 73817.536 and 96530.624 USD. Ανάλογα με την ποσότητα, τη διαθεσιμότητα, την κατάσταση, τον χρόνο παράδοσης και την πιθανή διακοπή ενός προϊόντος, δεν μπορούμε να εγγυηθούμε την τιμολόγηση μέχρι να σας παρέχουμε μια ενημερωμένη προσφορά.

Αριθμός ανταλλακτικού
Διάρκεια ζωής
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Διάρκεια ζωής:
Μονάδα μέτρησης:
1 EA

Πληροφορίες ανταλλακτικού

Εθνικός αριθμός αποθέματος:
6545-01-398-9588 6545013989588
Clinical Chem Parts Kit Analyzer
Κωδικός ονόματος στοιχείου:
The national stock number or the identification information of the end equipment for which the item is a part.AGAV
End Application:
Those unusual or unique characteristics or qualities of an item not covered in the other requirements and which are determined to be essential for identification.FEAT
Special Features:
1-printer cover assembly p/n 613873; 5-rack & pusher finger assembly's (upper rack) p/n 613907; 2-motor & pinion assembly's p/n 613908; 1-printer interface circuit bd assembly p/n 613957; 4-printer assembly's 613960; 2-power supply assembly's p/n 616818; 3-bar code readers p/n 350248; 5-home position sensor assembly's p/n 350249; 2-interface circuit bd assembly's type 2 p/n 351554; 2-boot - incubation p/n 352744; 2-electrometer assembly's - type 2, parts kit p/n 352751; 2-linear actuator assembly's p/n 617152; 2-magnetic switch assembly's p/n 617154; 2-heat pump circuit board assembly's p/n 617156; 2-led assembly's p/n 617157; 2-cables, main pwr p/n 617159; 2-fan assembly's p/n 617161; 2-temperature control modules p/n 618322; 5-lamps - flash p/n 337379; 1-cable - interface p/n 351446; 5-bar code rdr bd p/n 351463; 5-belt slide transport p/n 351474; 1-fan assembly p/n 351491; 5-spot detector assembly's p/n 351492; 2-flash assembly's p/n 351571
Characteristics or qualities of an item,not covered in any other requirement,which are considered essential information for one or more functions excluding nsn assignment.SUPP
Supplementary Features:
To order parts kit each item must be listed by p/n and quantity of each
A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Parts kit c: c/o 2-platens, floating p/n 338650; 2-springs, sensor p/n 340360; 2-thermistor assembly's p/n 343878; 2-cover switch assembly's p/n 343879; 2-heater rod assembly's p/n 343881; 5-sensor, spot detectors p/n 343882; 5-pressure pad assembly's. Type 2 p/n 345284; 5-bar code readers p/n 350246; 2-sensors, home/slide p/n 350247; 5-proms u10 p/n 352372; 2-cdm/clm circuit bd assembly's - ver 10.7 sw or above p/n 352399; 2-guard, printer p/n 352415; 4-fors head w/circuit bd assembly's p/n 352473; 5-lower rack assembly's - mod no. M6 p/n 352543; 3-springs - pressure pad 0.013 in diameter p/n 352605; 2-master board assembly's p/n 352655; 1-spring incubator covers 0.030 in diameter p/n 352681; 2-fors weight assembly's p/n 352696; 5-base proms u14 12.0 s/w p/n 356629; 5-page proms u6 12.0 s/w p/n 356630; 1-target - white reference p/n 613838
The technical differentiating characteristic/s/ of an item of supply which depart/s/ from the text of a specification or a standard in that it represents a selection of characteristics stated in the specification or standard as being optional,or a variation from one or more of the stated characteristics,or an additional characteristic not stated in the specification or standard.ZZZW
Departure From Cited Document:
F2-adaptor box assembly p/n 351572; 5-read arm & heater assembly's p/n 351678; 5-preheat arm & heater assembly's p/n 351679; 2-reflectometer assembly's p/n 351715; 2-heater platen assembly's p/n 351717; 5-clip - slide transports p/n 351720; 10-analog bd w/o piggyback p/n 352391; 3-motor pinion assembly's p/n 352666; 3-controller bd w/o proms p/n 356627; 5-proms u1 p/n 356631; 5-filter wheel enclosure assembly's p/n 356640; 1-catch - magnetic p/n 426583; 2-leds - green p/n 485834

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