Describes the capabilities,intended use,and/or purpose for which the item is provided.FTLD
Functional Description:
Senses pressure, temperature, humidity, and receives/re-transmits omeganavigation signals so that winds can be determined from changing sonde position
A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
Is meteorological instrument pkg launched from aircraft via parachute; c/o rf antenna, microprocessor, digital transmitter, sensor assembly, rs-232 connection, 4-cell battery pack; 12-contact connector, receiver, fet amplifier; receiver: bandwidth 3db, 13, 600 khz center freq, 35 db bandwidth less than 6khz; gain: 6-7 porm 3 db, 0.1 vrms, 0.8 porm 0.1 v p-p output; transmitter: 403.5, 404.5, 405.5 mhz freq; 1w min rf power output; sensor: 150-1050 mb porm 2 mb; -55 to plus 40 degrees c porm 0.5deg accuracy, 5 sec time constant; antenna: impedance nom 50 ohms, 400 mhz