Αριθμός ανταλλακτικού DFP-6289

Dog Muzzle

Τιμολόγηση και διαθεσιμότητα

Υποβάλετε αυτήν τη φόρμα για τις τρέχουσες τιμές και τη διαθεσιμότητα αυτού του NSN.
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Μυστικότητα | Όροι

All major credit cards accepted as well as gov. p-cards

Η ιστορική τιμολόγηση για αυτό το προϊόν είναι μεταξύ 57.34 and 77.409 USD. Ανάλογα με την ποσότητα, τη διαθεσιμότητα, την κατάσταση, τον χρόνο παράδοσης και την πιθανή διακοπή ενός προϊόντος, δεν μπορούμε να εγγυηθούμε την τιμολόγηση μέχρι να σας παρέχουμε μια ενημερωμένη προσφορά.

Αριθμός ανταλλακτικού
Διάρκεια ζωής
Αριθμός ανταλλακτικού:
Διάρκεια ζωής:
Μονάδα μέτρησης:
No qup EA

Πληροφορίες ανταλλακτικού
The muzzle body shall be fabricated of cloth and reinforced with straps and edging tape. The circumference of the muzzle shall be adjustable. The upper portion of the muzzle shall not extend farther rearward than the dog's cheekbones (i.E. The junction of the maxilla and zygomatic bones of the skull); the upper portion of the muzzle shall not extend farther forward than the dog's nose; the lower portion of the muzzle shall not press against the dog's throat; and the muzzle shall not interfere with the dog's vision. The muzzle body shall be provided with attachment straps. There shall be at least two straps, one attached to each side of the muzzle. The two primary straps shall extend below the dog's cheekbones to hold the muzzle in place by fastening together behind the dog's head. The fastener shall be a buckle incorporating a quick-release mechanism that is resistant to accidental opening and a means to adjust the length of the straps for proper fit.

Εθνικός αριθμός αποθέματος:
3770-01-616-1734 3770016161734
Dog Muzzle
Κωδικός ονόματος στοιχείου:
A characteristic of light that can be specified in terms of luminance,dominant wavelength,and purity.HUES
A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
The muzzle shall be designed and constructed to fit around the dog's snout to provide the handler a means to prevent the dog from biting without restricting the dog's breathing or its ability to pant, drink, or vomit. It is intended as a safety measure for handling the dog in stressful situations, particularly while administering first aid to the dog. The circumference of the muzzle body shall be adjustable to sizes from 8.5 to 12 inches at the rear, and 7 to 10 inches diameter front. Muzzle bodies adjustable to larger and/or smaller sizes in addition to the ranges specified are acceptable. The length of the muzzle body shall be not more than 3 inches from stop to nose. The combined length of the buckled attachment straps shall be adjustable from 12 to 18 inches. Straps adjustable to larger and/or smaller sizes in addition to the specified range are acceptable.

Όμοιος Dog Muzzles

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