A recording of the physical,functional,and performance characteristics for an item of supply.TEXT
General Description:
C/o fire power, 250 series, mdl no.250-510fs-pre, p/n 0384-0261; 1 ea torchhandle mdl no. Wh-260c fs, p/n 0382-0143, cut attch mdl no. Ca 250 fs, p/n 0381-0740; tip, mdl 0-3-101-fp, p/n 0331-0180; oxyg reg, mdl no. 250-80-540fb, p/n 0781-9111; acetylene reg, mdl no. 250-15-510fb, p/n 0781-9112; mixer, mdl no. 4 um-1fs, p/n 0382-0017; nozzle, sz 0, mdl no. 0-w-1-fs, p/n 0324-0150; nozzle, sz 1, mdl no. 1-w-1-fs, p/n 0324-0151; safe/oper instr., hose, striker, goggles, gloves, brazing rods, truck, oxy/acet tanks