Αριθμός ανταλλακτικού
Διάρκεια ζωής
Αριθμός ανταλλακτικού:
Πληροφορίες ανταλλακτικού
Craniotomy kit
Εθνικός αριθμός αποθέματος:
Craniotomy Kit
Κωδικός ονόματος στοιχείου:
Those unusual or unique characteristics or qualities of an item not covered in the other requirements and which are determined to be essential for identification.FEAT
Special Features:
Craniotomy pack; includes: (1) bag ziplock 12x15 2ml (part no.5304483), (3) kerlix 6ply roll 4.5in (p/n510279), (10) gauze 8x4 12ply singles (p/n510817), (1) pouch 4inx9in (p/n506076), (5) rainey clip scalp plas 10s (p/n500931), (1) avid printed label black font (p/n preprintlabel), (1) label 1x2 5/8 white (p/n508149), (1) ring basin 6.7qt teal large (p/n508359), (1) pitcher grad 1200cc plas (p/n501965), (6) petri dish 100x15mm (p/n5307239), (1) instrument wipe 2ml (p/n512085), (3) white label 1/2x1.75 custom (p/n504004), (1) blade no.10 carbon (p/n500674), (1) blade no.11 carb (p/n500673), (1) ndl 22gx1.5in rg bev smk hb (p/n500728), (1) blade no.15 carb (p/n500672), (2) catheter angio 16ga 1.88in (p/n507190), (2) bone wax 2.5gr peel pack (p/n502566), (3) suture 2-0 vicryl plus undyed (p/n5301530), (2) suture nurolon 4/0-8-18in (p/n512656), (3) suture 0 vicryl plus (p/n5305054), (2) medicine cup 2oz (p/n n501964), (1) 2oz medicine cup lid (p/n501972), (cont. In supp)
Characteristics or qualities of an item,not covered in any other requirement,which are considered essential information for one or more functions excluding nsn assignment.SUPP
Supplementary Features:
Fea (cont.) (1) 10 cc syr control l/l (p/n500604), (10) rubber band no.64 orange (p/n5308110), (1) syr 10cc l/l (p/n500620), (2) syr 20cc l/l (p/n500608), (1) xeroform 1x8in non adher (p/n507447), (1) skull pin mayfield 3s (p/n511035), (1) ointment triple antibiotic 0.9g (p/n5305991), (1) cotton ball strung 0.5in xr 5s (p/n5305397), (3) proximate plus sk stp s/s 35w (p/n509459), (1) emesis basin 700ml (p/n5306934), (2) skin marker violet strd w/rlr (p/n511949), (1) ruler 6in flexible (p/n511811), (1) skin marker violet broad tip (p/n512215), (1) comb 5in black plastic (p/n5306433), (1) telfa pad 8x3 2 side mylar (p/n502773), (2) instrument pouch 2 comp (p/n503325), (1) bipolar cable 12ft (p/n510425), (3) specimen cup 5oz w/screw lid (p/n502202), (2) light cover hndl flex (p/n521304), (2) gauze 8x4 12ply 10s derma xr (p/n512650), (1) handle camera cover (p/n5305370), (4) syr 60cc bulb (p/n507737), (1) cautew/pfte tip (p/n510146) , and more